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Chaos Free

In the beginning, things were not easy for my brother, mother, and I. My dad was abusive – physically and mentally. He was very abusive to my mom, putting her down every chance he got.
My mom worked three jobs while my dad did nothing but bring other women in and out of the house. He wouldn’t feed us and would make us stay in our room until my mom got home from work. There were times we would sneak out of the room to get food out of the kitchen. Things were hard and eventually, it got to the point where my dad had gotten really physical with my mom. He had broken a plate over her head and hit her – but she fought back, protecting my twin brother and I.
In the end, we moved in with my grandparents and things got easier. My mother is amazing and did such a great job serving two roles as both our mom and dad. My brother and I are close. The things we have gone through have made us who we are and made us into strong men so that we can now take care of our mom.
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